Micro Mini 2 Grow Scooter Light Up Scooter for ages 12 months – 6 years
Mini 2 Grow Scooter Specifications
Stage 1 – Parent Steered Ride On Trike
A great way to get out and about with your toddler. Adjustable seat, footrests and steering handle puts you in total control. Helping to build your child’s confidence as they master fine and gross motor skills.
Stage 2 – Independent Ride On Trike
As they grow remove the parent steering handle and your toddler has a ride on scooter that’s adjustable, easy to master and fun. For use indoors and out. Fostering first adventures.
Stage 3 – My First Mini Micro Scooter
When they are ready, remove the seat. The parent steering handle becomes an adjustable handlebar to form your child’s first scooter. Light up wheels & adjustable handlebars. Strong rear brake. Everything you need for your toddler’s first scooter.
Stage 4 – Grown Up Mini Micro Scooter
As they grow so does their scooter. In fact, the Mini 2 Grow will last them until the age of 6. For years of adventure. For miles of smiles.
Watch the full unboxing video here.
Free-Shipping on all orders over R500
Shipped Nationwide in 2 - 5 working days
My son (6) just loves his Microskates. They’re excellent quality, sturdy and the best part is they adjust as his feet grow. It’s his new favorite pastime … he glides effortlessly on his skates and we’ve all found a new hobby in skating at the Menlyn Rollercade 🤗
The service from first bike was exceptional and the part works like a charm.
Perfect scooter for all ages. Strong and durable - beautiful and the wheels light up!
The best tie down straps ever made ... Best quality you can get.
Even though this was not our little ones First Bike ever, we regret not buying it from the start !! After a few attempts we eventually got her a bike she can actually use & it brings her so much joy!